Today's new voices shaping tomorrow's musicals.

Have a script? Please read our submission policy.
Prospect currently is not able to accept unsolicited submissions. We unfortunately don’t have the staff available to review and respond to scripts. Please don’t send us hard copies of materials.
However, if you do have a project you’d like to let us know about, there are a couple of things we recommend: Invite our artistic director or another staff member to attend your reading by emailing artistic@ProspectTheater.org. If we are interested and available, we will try to send someone!
Or, send a summary email to artistic@ProspectTheater.org, describing the project and linking to the script and demo songs online (please do not ATTACH files, we won’t download attachments from unknown email addresses). That way, if we are intrigued, we can check it out via the internet.
Please note that Prospect usually produces new musicals. Frequently, we develop work from concept to production through the company membership rather than reviewing completed scripts. However, projects have come to us through many avenues at many stages of completion. If you are interested in becoming involved with the company, a good first step is to apply to our annual musical theater lab, or attend one of our shows and get to know the company’s style and work. Thanks for your interest in Prospect!