Dear Wizards-
Look all around you. I could be anywhere.
In the knot of a tree, the tip of a flower petal, in the sky, over the traffic, above the river!

Who said that? I knew you’d say that.
No. I am NOT the air.
Yes, I am grumpy. I’m grumpy because I’m working all the time.
It’s a beautiful job, but people are not always thankful for what we do, even though their lives depend on our work. It seems invisible to them.
Who said that? No! I already told you. I’m not the AIR!
I am beyond grumpy. I am angry. I’m angry because almost half of us died last year. It was actually not from Covid-19, but maybe now, with your experience of a plague, you might find some empathy for our plight. There are many reasons we are dying.
There are many dimensions to this problem.
You want to help? You think you can help? Prepare yourself!
Take a deep breath in.
Take a deep breath out.
I’m the air. Just kidding, I’m not the air.
No! I do not make honey. Do I sound sweet and sappy to you?
Alright then, you want to help? You think you can help?
Well, by all means, please, wave your wands! Sing your spells! Quickly! Quickly!
Here are three realms to choose from:
The Humble Bumble Bee
CHOICE A: The Sweetheart Queen
Why have you come here? What do you intend to do with that wand?
Bow down when you visit, for I am The Sweetheart Queen. Queen of the Honey Bees.
Who? Who has sent you?
I knew it! That bitter bumble bee! Ms. Bumble likes to grumble, you know what I mean?
I think she’s jealous because there is new popularity for us Honey Bees. We are getting our due. The world is finally recognizing that we make everything a little sweeter place.
Of course, all bee species are dying off. The bumbles they are just too humble. They work the day away. The bumbles as well as the other native bees do most of the pollination of your fruits and plants. We can’t help it if people prefer to pay attention only to what’s sweet.
What’s sweet is worth saving, am I right?
What is that you say? You intend to restore the balance?
Don’t punish us for being popular. You can’t live off honey?
Look at you on your high horse! You want to eat blueberries for your breakfast, tomatoes for your salsa, and potatoes for your French fries? We do a little here and there, but honey bees simply do not get up that early in the morning. We live the sweet life.
A spell? What do you need a spell for?
Sit down, sit down, close your mouth and do not speak the spell.
Closing off! Goodbye!
The Sweetheart Queen
People of the world
Come out of your permanent haze!
The bumble bees,
The mason bees,
All native bees,
Pollinate much of the food we eat
Let us give them praise.
Recognize there 20,000 species of bees worthy of being saved.
We bring the power of knowing,
So our food and plants keep growing!
Oof! FINE. We’ll share the spotlight of the bee extinction, but you still have not gotten to the root of why we are dying. Go deeper into the realms. Choose one of the following:
CHOICE B: Landscape Liam
Oh, hello! Would you mind terribly standing on the sidewalk? I wasn’t expecting any wizards today. If I knew you were coming, I would have had this tree properly trimmed. I’m just taking out the tulip bulbs now.
Why of course, I care about the bees! I need bees to pollinate my tulips. Yes, these tulips are done by May, but they’re the perfect with clean lines and upright stature.
No, we would not consider planting a Milkweed. We don’t allow weeds of any kind. No, we would not accept wildflowers. We prefer flowers that have an organized streamlined look. No, we would not plant things that bloom after June.
Cut the grass! Trim the tree! Shape the bush! That’s our motto.
I’m not uptight. You ask difficult questions that don’t go with our aesthetic.
Yes, we have a good reason, so that it appeals.
Well, to people. People with money who would like to buy real estate here. There’s a certain look we are going for and it doesn’t include native plants, weeds and wildflowers! You want to tell me what the bumble bees want! The bumble bees! More like the grumble bees! They have no taste! Why can’t they be more sweet and profitable like the honey bees?
You cannot cast any spells here! You cannot cast spells on my property.
Good day, wizards!
Whip up the wind!
Let the wild seeds grow!
As the early summer days grow hotter,
As climate changes faster,
In these drought months for the humble bumble bees,
Let the earth return to what has been.
Let the native plants rise again!
Oh, I suppose I can sacrifice a little imperfection, but you must admit I am not the only reason for the bee extinction. Go deeper into the realms. Get to the roots! Choose one of the following:
CHOICE C: The Neonic Monster
There are two things you need to know about me:
I do not meet with wizards.
Contrary to what those bumbling bees have said I am not a monster.
I wear a suit and a tie. I have a chemical, a neonic, that helps soy and corn thrive. We put the chemical directly on the seeds. Less work for the farmer. See, I’m not a monster.
So a few bees died from the toxin. Some bees have learning disabilities from the toxin. It helps the crops. . . a little bit! Buzz-off!
Oh now you are not just worried about the bees, you’re worried about neonics in your water, neonics in your brain! You wizards are worriers!
Yes, Europe banned neonics, but this is the USA!
No, it’s not necessary for the crops, but it sells. We’re making great money off this product and if people want to buy it, it’s a good thing!
Now leave!
I’ll have none of your toxic spells!
This is a no spell zone!
Look to the health of every being,
Look to the water, air and earth,
For their well-being is our true wealth!
Let the dollar stop deceiving!
May the people stop believing that toxins are the only way.
Ban the neonic toxins,
get it done today!
Well I knew they would catch on someday. We made a fortune while it lasted. I won’t be the last to contribute to the bee extinction. Go deeper into the realms. Choose one of the following:
CHOICE 1: Individual vs. Interdependence
Dear Wizards-
Thank you for casting your spells. On behalf of humble bumble bees. I thank you.
But there is something else that permeates the lessons of the realms. It’s in the air! It’s in the roots. It’s woven through our society.
From your previous realm how were one person’s actions, one person’s wants impacting other things?
Sometimes we may think to ourselves, this thing I want, this thing I do, it affects only me. But as we have seen today all things are connected. Lives of bees and other things are at stake.
Could you create another spell to help the people of the world see that what we do affects you, and you, and you, and you, and me, everyone and everything?
[Create your own spell BELOW]
CHOICE 2: Profit vs. Planet
Dear Wizards-
Thank you for casting your spells. On behalf of humble bumble bees. I thank you.
But there is something else that permeates the lessons of the realms. It’s in the air! It’s in the roots. It’s woven through our society.
From your previous realm how was profit, making money, valued over the health of our planet and all its living things?
Could you create another spell to help the people of the world see, that people, our planet, and most importantly bees, are more important than money, more important than greed?
[Create your own spell BELOW]
Thank you for your spell! You may pass to the final realm.
Dear Wizards-
What a wonderful day!
I must say, I am feeling less grumpy since YOU came my way.
I’ve become a hopeful humble bumble bee!
I will grumble less you’ll see.
Why must you go?
Why won’t you stay?
May I make a humble suggestion?
You should be a wizard every day!
Yes, you could be a wizard every day!
Go forth –
For the planet, for the people, for beings big and small,
Get to the roots!
Sense what’s in the air!
If there’s a problem,
Use your powers and please solve them!
Wave your wands!
Sing your spells!
Be a wizard every day!